Belma Tuzovic Mujkic

She was born in 1973. in Sarajevo. Her primary education in music she has gained with the professor Slavko Olujić, and in that period she has won several first prizes at the competitions of youth guitarists in ex-Yugoslavia.
After the Music High School, with professor Mila Rakanović, she has graduated musicology at the Music Academy of Sarajevo.
Durin the war in Bosnia, she performs as a independent artist. She has had many performances at the “Kamerni Teatar 55 Sarajevo” within the projects “Ljeto u Kamernom” and “Prayer for peace”. Among other, she has performed with the Sarajevo String Quartet.
In 1994. she has gained scholarship by the Government of Austria, and she graduates in 1998. at the Universitat fur Musik und darstelllende kunst Wien, with professor Konrad Ragossnig. Two years later, in 2000 she has finished her master degree with the same professor.
During her studies in Wien, she has performed in duets with piano, harpsichord, guitar and flute.
Since 1999, she works as a guitar professor at the Music High School of Sarajevo, and since 2000, she actively performs with the flutist Ana Pokrklić.
In the period 2003 -2005 she has been a professor at the Music School in Mostar.
She is a member of the Board of guitarists in Bosnia and Herzegovina, permanent member of the jury at national competitions, Sarajevo International Guitar Festival, lecturer at seminars, and a member of the Chairman Board of the Association of Guitarists of Bosnia and Herzegovina. She has active role in the project “Sarajevo – meeting of cultures” and she performs at the concerts within the project “Music speaks”.